Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Real Talk

I was talking with a recently married friend yesterday and ended our conversation wishing her many years of mind-blowing sex. 

But then I started to think, so what do I wish upon all my single friends?  And I decided I wished them joyous years filled with bottomless drinks, fine food, and countless hold-on-I-have-to-go-into-the-other-room-because-I'm-laughing-so-hard-I-can't-breathe moments!

But then I realized that sounds like something someone tapes to their mirror after reemerging from a crusty mountain of used Kleenex and crumpled Dove wrappers.

So, I'm back to square one, which consists of wishing all my single friends the ability to wish other couples great sex.

Sorry, kids. 

But, I console you with this...

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