Monday, November 29, 2010


When there wasn’t anywhere for me to go,
I stumbled into deep love with your Rock & Roll…

Records. Tapes. Mixes. CDs. MP3s. Concerts. Dashboard sing-alongs. Music! All forms and modes that quietly and not so quietly call green into existence, that melodic catalyst of the Holy Spirit; I don’t speak in tongues but I sing in lyrics and I think You hear it all the same. I don’t know what shape my soul would be in without it. Thank You for being approachable (and portable).

My Huckleberry Friends…

You are the select. I am blessed to share this crazy journey with you all. You challenge me, accept me, inspire me, indulge me and spur me on towards love in its many fashions. You’re the dark chocolate and the leafy greens to my life. You level me…and are most likely on my Zombie Killin’ Dream Team.

Talk like an open book, sign me up…

Expression. It’s a gift I often overlook. To write, to talk, to sing, to touch. What a crucial and cherished gift I have been entrusted with. I will do my best to cultivate it for those who can’t and wish they could, and those who stick around and wish I would (and I’ll do my best to avoid rhyming in future occurrences).

Purple irises the camera can’t see…

The little things that make an entire day seem worth while. Unpacking a new life with a friend. Sharing pie and listening to records. Singing along with the only other sober person at a secret show (with the exuberance and ferocity of an inebriated one). Discovering the perfect sentence for a word. The way Ray Bans make me feel. Arizona sunsets. Blankets. Space heaters. Lavender lattes. Welcoming a friend at the airport. Burritos. Rocking out. Sleeping in. Staying up late. Bear hugs. Being the first to clap at a concert. High fives. Swigging rum. Team Nash.  Donkey kicks. Laughing so hard you can’t breathe (and fear you might possibly pass out). My brother’s Germaine dance. And a thousand other moments that fall in their decorated origami fashion and are not lost on me.

And I sing, how can I be anything other than thankful?

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