Thursday, May 26, 2011


Yesterday I veered off my set reading course with much delight and started The Perks of Being a Wallflower, a book Quinn recommended some time ago after we spent an afternoon listening to his Smiths records.  I was laying on the couch drifting in and out of consciousness, blurring Morrissey's dream world with my own when "Asleep" started to play.  I swear, I have never heard something so sweet and melancholy in my life.  I just sat up and listened...and Quinn went to the bookcase and moved it to my designated reading pile.  He knew Charlie and I would get along.

And I don't know why, but yesterday I just felt hungry and pulled it off the shelf.  I honestly think it was the green color.  I needed some lime green in my life.  So I went to my bed, closed the door and a hundred pages later the only way I could coax myself to sleep was to play "Asleep" on repeat.  It loops magnificently.

I once read in Rob Sheffield's, Love Is A Mix Tape, how he made a tape with his dad with nothing but "Hey Jude" on both sides.  I always thought that sounded magical, but couldn't think of many songs that could fade in and out seamlessly into itself like that.   But "Asleep" can.  So I fell asleep to "Asleep."  It's probably the most angsty, teen-ridden thing I've done as an adult.  But it was perfect.  Just a perfect moment.  I hope everyone has a song like that.

Anyways, I finished the book today.  I sat outside, climbed my first anything really, and sat on the island till my legs went numb, trying to read the last words under a melting sherbert glow.  I feel stirred.  I don't know what else to say.  But I feel glad to be me, and I'm thankful for my friends and family, and friends that are family.  And I hope when someone picks up something I write one day, I can make them feel that way, too.

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