Sunday, May 30, 2010

"I got an Irish name and an injury A blessing and a curse cast down on me..."

I want to live

Epically.  Biblically.  Lovingly.  Daringly.  Morally.  Freely.  Sacrificially.  Fully.  Intentionally.  Longingly.  Emphatically.  Humbly.  Joyfully.  Poignantly.  Meekly.  Sincerely.  Gently.  Honestly.  Persistently.  Truthfully.  Abounding in grace, depth and soul.

When I die, I want my life to look like a Johnny Cash song.  ...The American Recording years.

The word 'drama' gets a bum rap.  We associate it all too often with volatile tweens feeding flames to social fires for the sake of something to do.  As in "OMFG they're so drama." I just threw up a little in my mouth...and rightfully so, needless, hollow drama is a waste of time..and I would even go so far as to say decays the soul.  But what we forget, is the word has positive as well as negative conontations, and unfortunately the positive all too often gets overshadowed by Lindsay Lohan.  What of it's sophisticated brother, the one that captures our hearts and speaks to our spirit?  As in the hallow arch of struggles and obstacles one must bravely and honestly cross to emerge at the other side of a desired destination.  Every person of note lives a life of good, engaging drama: every biblical character, every song, every book.

Our heroes are good drama.  Not needlessly dramatic, or even necessarily mindfully seeking drama...just simple men living as honestly as they can.  And as we know, the world hates nothing more than honest men...and the world seeks to break them down.  What makes good heroes isn't necessarily how many battles they win or obstacles they overcome, but the fact they keep fighting and persist through them.  They get back up even when they lose and try again.  Those are the ones that succeed on to the end.

Fuck TNT, that's good drama.

Song of the moment: Red At Night - The Gaslight Anthem (Sink or Swim)
The song is simple, but rounded.  A man living through blues and blessings.  When I die, I want this song played at my funeral.
This band knows the ins-and-outs of my soul.  It's one of the reasons I know there's a God...and He loves me very much.

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